Okay, I'll Believe In Myself (Jung In)

>> Mei 26, 2010

Okay, I'll believe in myself
I'll live with that trust
Even if living with that trust makes you cry

Okay, I'll smile
I'll live with that smile
My love should blossom in that smile
The sky is as big as two fists
Everything can be covered Just like your conscience

My dream keeps falling apart
I'm being pulled once again into a world full of lies
I've been absorbed once again, I'll forget everything and live on
But I'll go back again, Just like my future

Welcome to the future, my babe..

Today, I'm full of thoughts again,You have many suspicions
Just like your greed It keeps faltering
As if everything is like love
Again, this kind of reality
Just flows away But gets nearer
Just like my future

Okay, I'll smile
I'll live on smile
hahaha ha

I'll live with that smile
My love should blossom in that smile
Fly high! Bring that big bad

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