Still In Love With You – Wang Lee Hom 王力宏

>> November 14, 2011

Wang Lee Hom is releasing music videos this season!! he now reveals his mv for - Still In Love With You which is a sentimental yet not-so-dramatic song.

I just saw this MV on Youtube, i was pretty shocked to see that it's actually a collaboration between Wong Fu Productions and Wang Lee Hom! Unbelievable! I am fan of his ballad songs and I love this one. It has just the right flavor in it. Not so much soulful and not so very upbeat.

I am very very happy about this song. And of course his voice is so good. He is so talented too.He is very popular in Taiwan ,He also can  plays musical instruments like :violin, guitar, drums. and just one word he's amazing!

Anyways, here is the MV and tell me what you think! :)


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Cinta pertama bukan pacar pertama. Firts love adalah saat kita jatuh cinta pertama kali pada seseorang. Biasanya pada usia belia. Bisa 10 , 12, 13 bahkan 8 tahun! Pada usia sehijau itu, kita bahkan tidak tahu apa itu cinta yang sesungghnya atau bukan. Yang jelas kita kasmaran pada seseorang. Tak bisa tidur. Lagu First Love-nya Nikka Costa sangat mewakili perasaan itu. "Everyone can see...there's a change in me...bla bla bla".


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