Today More Than Yesterday

>> Maret 25, 2011

(I Do) Can I look at just one person forever?
(I Do) Can I treasure you more than myself?
(I Do) I can answer anyone who asks
(I Do) That you are my love..

I’m not going to make a promise
But if it’s even possible to waver for a moment
I would not have started at all
If it was going to be a love that ended before my heart

I love you today more than I did yesterday
It’s the first time I found someone so precious that it hurts
In order to meet you and to be this happy
I must have been through a lot of pain

There will be hard days
That pain which does not stop my tears
Will end one day
The only thing that doesn’t end is our love

I love you today more than I did yesterday
It’s the first time I found someone so precious that it hurts
In order to meet you and to be this happy
I must have been through a lot of pain

I don’t want to
Break up ever again
Unless it’s leaving to meet you
Until forever

Because my overflowing heart feels like it’ll burst
Because the you in front of me seems like a dream
I have to run to hug your breathing self
To be a relieved fool

I love you today more than I did yesterday
It’s the first time I found someone so precious that it hurts
In order to meet you and to be this happy
I must have been through a lot of pain
– by. Kim Jong Kook -

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