Goodbye - Ra.D

>> Maret 29, 2013

The times we had together were not enough
So it will always remain in sadness
But don’t forget – I won’t either
So that on the day we meet again, it won’t be so awkward Time to sleep, time to work
Time to meet other people – all that time was scarce
So I only wanted to be by you
When a day passes and another day passes
To you, who had to leave
I did nothing for you
Only sadness remains
There are still movies that we haven’t watched together
There are still restaurants we haven’t been to
There are still songs that you haven’t heard
But we have no choice but to say goodbye
Please don’t go – stay a bit longer
I want to say those things and hold on to you
Rather than thinking of you, because I had no choice
I couldn’t say anything (just deep sighs)
Time to sleep, time to work
Time to meet other people – all that time was scarce
So I only wanted to be by you
When a day passes and another day passes
I had to let you go
Do you know how painful it was?
I will miss you a lot
There are still movies that we haven’t watched together
There are still restaurants we haven’t been to
There are still many talks to be had
Good bye good bye babe
I just wanna see you
I can’t live without you babe
There are still movies that we haven’t watched together
There are still restaurants we haven’t been to
There are still songs that you haven’t heard
But we have no choice but to say goodbye


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